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81 Years of Wisdom: A Letter to PWC Officials in Support of PW Digital Gateway


Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022, 02:26:21 PM EST

Subject: PW Digital Gateway (Pageland Corridor)

Supervisors & Planning Commissioners,

My name is Veronica Lucash. I'm 81 years old living in the Gainesville District and have been a Prince William Co. resident for 20 years. I've been a registered Republican for well over 60 years. I FULLY SUPPORT the PW Digital Gateway and I'm astonished that this initiative isn't unanimously backed by all 8 supervisors. Furthermore, I'm shocked that it appears to be the Republicans who oppose this amazing growth opportunity for our County. Where is the "reaching across the aisle" to get things done for the betterment of those who you were elected to represent?

For our county to be able to capitalize on $450,000,000 to $700,000,000 in NEW ANNUAL TAX REVENUE with our SCHOOL SYSTEM TO RECEIVE 57% OF ALL THE NEW MONEY RAISED (which is $250,000,000 - $400,000,000 in NEW ANNUAL funding for PWC schools) and our elected officials to not be in unanimous approval is baffling.

With this tremendous amount of new money for schools, new money for our first responders, new funding for parks and hopefully lower real estate taxes for all how can there not be complete support? And what's your alternative plan if not the PW Digital Gateway?

I like many senior citizens live on a fixed income and receiving higher and higher real estate taxes on an almost annual basis is difficult to offset.

I urge all of you to vote to support this initiative and do what's in the best interest of this county and all its citizens.

Veronica Lucash

Haymarket, VA

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